Massage Cupping: An Introduction to the Technique
#: XMI1266    ID: Willmar    Section: 01
Learn about the history of cupping as an acupuncture technique and its current use in therapeutic body work.  Students will be introduced to the indication and contraindications for cupping as well as learn basic techniques for muscle tension and improving blood flow.
Bring to Class:
Students can bring their own cups, or purchase from the college during the registration process. Students should also bring their own twin size flat and fitted sheets, plus a face rest cover. Lunch is not provided; participants can feel free to pack their own.

Class will take place in the Massage Therapy department on the Willmar Campus. Park in lot D south of the water tower, and enter through Door 8 (behind Cosmetology).

10:00 AM
College Provides Cups: $275.00 each

Provide Own Cups: $200.00 each
Registration Cutoff Date:
Dates & Times:
11/3/2023   10:00AM - 4:30PM
Willmar - Building B - Willmar - B168