Interviewing and the Gentle Art of Persuasion (9250-0982)
#: 2LEF-0599    ID:    Section: 1
Research shows that it is the poor interview that is the cause of why-cases-fail far more than the interrogation. Interviewing is more than a questioning process of asking questions and getting a response. Poor interviewing can lead to bad information resulting in wasted valuable time in following misleading and poor information. To enhance the participants’ skills and knowledge, they will learn and practice “the Cognitive Interview Process” in interviewing victims and witnesses for this will greatly assist them in the gathering reliable facts and knowledge. Then moving on to one of the major roadblocks within the interview process, confronting the subject. Persuasion rather than interrogation is the key to success and is designed for investigators in situations where the subject is not cooperating and/or lying. The thing to always remember is that you need flexibility as people are unique, and we interview people are not criminals. Think of this as a building process where the more you put into the foundation the better the changes of being successful. Some of the main themes are: The cognitive interview of victims and witnesses, Probing techniques of communication in gathering facts, Persuasion strategies, a step-by-step learnable process, Question formulation or how to ask questions, Behavior analysis question. This class looks at real-life cases and requires small group participation. The goal is not to inform you, but to help you develop the skill and knowledge to be successful.
Bring to Class:
LOCATION: Century College, East Campus, Room: E2311*

M, W 
8:00 AM
Contact Hours:
Registration Cutoff Date:
Dates & Times:
5/13/2024   8:00AM - 3:30PM
Century East Campus - 2311 - Classroom ( See Map )
5/15/2024   8:00AM - 3:30PM
Century East Campus - 2311 - Classroom ( See Map )