Health Unit Coordinator (Online) [inc Medical Terminology]
#: 1HCT-0044    ID:    Section: 1
Health Unit Coordinators are in demand. Prepare to become a vital member of the healthcare team through our course taught completely online.
The HUC program is a practical course of study utilizing online and self-study completed in just 12 weeks, preparing the qualified individual for positions in the healthcare industry.  
Health Unit Coordinator Learning Online, will cover topics such as how to perform clerical functions, transcription of doctors’ orders, soft skills in communication with staff, patients, families, and other hospital departments.
Students will learn how complete patient admissions, transfers and discharges utilizing the Electronic Medical Record system (EMR). Your training will enable you to become proficient in maintaining patient records, ordering labs, procedures, and emergency actions. Students will learn how to provide exceptional customer service to patients, visitors and staff through welcoming behaviors, effective communication, and information sharing.

REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS: Lafleur Brooks' Health Unit Coordinating, 7th Edition, approx $94. Online book code, 1HCT 0044. Textbooks should be purchased before the first class and are available at the Century College Bookstore located on the West Campus, 651.779.3281 or online at  
(If you plan to purchase this text from another source, please call our registration desk 651.779.3341 first to make certain you will obtain the correct edition.)
Bring to Class:
LOCATION: Online* Note that you can work online at any time; disregard timeframe noted in schedule.

You must be age 18 or older and be proficient in the English language and keyboarding.

You will need computer access, Internet connection and an email address.  

SPECIAL NOTICE: This course will be held virtually and use a combination of delivery via Zoom and D2L. 
ZOOM: Approximately three days prior to the start of class, you will receive an email with the Zoom link to your class meeting.  To prepare for your class, setup and test your Zoom connection.  A troubleshooting guide can be found here.  Your instructor will not be able to troubleshoot technology issues during class.
 Approximately one day prior to the start of class, you will receive a user name, password, and login instructions via email to access the D2L Brightspace for CECT system for coursework and chats.

The Zoom session will be held Monday the first week of class from 6:00-7:00 PM.

Instructor will have online office hours Wednesdays 6:00-7:00 PM.
Age Req:
You must be 18 years old to enroll in this class.
Varied Schedule
6:00 PM
Contact Hours:
Registration Cutoff Date:
Dates & Times:
5/20/2024   6:00PM - 7:00PM
5/21/2024   12:00AM - 11:45PM
Self-paced - Registration Ends
5/22/2024   12:00AM - 11:45PM
Self-paced - Registration Ends
5/23/2024   12:00AM - 6:00AM
Self-paced - Registration Ends
8/6/2024   12:00AM - 6:00AM
Self-paced - Registration Ends
8/7/2024   12:00AM - 11:45PM
Self-paced - Registration Ends
8/8/2024   12:00AM - 11:45PM
Self-paced - Registration Ends