Mental Health First Aid
#: 24-1118    ID: CTAC    Section: 01
Mental Health First Aid is training for anyone who wants to learn about mental illnesses and addictions, including risk factors and warning signs. This 8-hour training teaches participants a 5-step action plan to help a person in crisis connect with professional, peer, social, and self-help care.

Five Steps in Mental Health First Aid
  1. Assess risk of self-harm or suicide
  2. Listen without judgment
  3. Reassure and provide helpful information
  4. Encourage professional support
  5. Suggest self-care techniques
Mental Health First Aid is appropriate for a variety of professionals working in primary and behavioral healthcare integration settings. The training can help those who regularly engage with individuals who may experience mental health challenges and is most appropriate for audiences with no prior training or experience with mental health or substance use.
Using scenarios and role playing, participants are given the opportunity to practice their new skills and gain confidence in helping others who may be developing a mental health or substance use challenge, or those in distress.
This course will be in person

   What it Covers • Common signs and symptoms of mental illness • Common signs and symptoms of substance use • How to interact with a person in crisis • How to connect the person with help

• NEW: Expanded content on trauma, addiction and self-care.

Bring to Class:
Class Location: 1518
9:00 AM
Registration Cutoff Date:
Dates & Times:
11/18/2024   9:00AM - 3:30PM