Course description:
An 8-hour course designed to prepare students to take the Minnesota Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Exam. Specific content areas include:
The Criminal Justice System
Constitutional & Minnesota Criminal Law
Police History & Community Policing
Victims & Victim's Rights
Juvenile Justice
Leadership, Management, & Communication.
Students are provided with a comprehensive book to study from. While participation in this course is no guarantee of passing the POST exam, it is an excellent opportunity to prepare.
Please Note: Ten (10) registered students are needed to present the course. Registration deadline and the decision to run the course happens approximately 1 week prior to the course.
Registration Fees: (Online registration requires a credit card payment.)
Please Note: Breakfast/Lunch catering will not be offered. Participants will be allowed approx. 45 minutes to leave campus for lunch, or bring snacks and a lunch.