Minnesota State Medication Aide
#: XHE1796    ID: Hutch    Section: 02

What is Minnesota State Medication Aide Training?

Minnesota State provides the required training to work as a Medication Aide in a skilled nursing facility. Students will develop an understanding of drug administration with this comprehensive training program. Available in two formats, classroom and hybrid, the Minnesota State curriculum offers consistency and customized training options to meet any needs. A wide variety of exercises and activities let students apply their knowledge to healthcare settings. The class includes a new textbook specifically designed for the medication aide. The training and supplemental resources will also prepare participants for written and skills exams by building knowledge and developing skills competency. This course requires a minimum of forty-eight hours of instruction. 
This class is a hybrid class which includes both online and in-person course work. More details on the schedule are below. 

What are the highlights of this training? 

  • Consistent curriculum and textbook throughout all Minnesota State ensures consistent training for all employees across Minnesota 

  • Textbook is geared specifically for the role of a medication aide and offered at an affordable price for students and facilities 

  • Flexible training options, including in-person and hybrid, to meet the scheduling needs of students and facilities 

  • Eligible costs of the training may be reimbursable to nursing facilities participating in the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) Nursing Facility Employee Scholarship Program 

What pre-requisites are there for students? 

Minnesota law governs the qualifications required to work as a medication aide in a licensed nursing home. 
To work as a Medication Aide in a skilled nursing facility, students must have completed a nursing assistant training program approved by the Minnesota Department of Health before enrollment in a trained medication aide program. These employees are not required to take the nursing assistant exam, nor to have ever been on the nursing assistant registry. 
A person who challenges the Minnesota nursing assistant exam or transfers in from another state, for example, would not be eligible. It is the responsibility of the facility to document completion of an approved nursing assistant training program. 
Students will apply classroom learning in the laboratory setting promoting safe medication administration. 
To successfully complete the course, students must:

  • achieve a cumulative score of 75% or higher on chapter quizzes and final knowledge exam;

  • demonstrate competency of skills by passing the final skills exam; and

  • meet the online and in-person class attendance requirements with a minimum of 48 hours. 

Minnesota law governs the qualifications required to work as a medication aide in a licensed nursing home. If you question your eligibility, please visit this website for more information.
It is recommended that a person works as a certified nursing assistant for six months before taking this course and be at least 18 years of age. 
Course fee: $775 (includes online materials, skills kit, and required textbook). Participants will be responsible for purchasing their own drug reference guide. 
Tip: A drug reference will be useful for your entire career in healthcare. Check with your employer and/or college to see what they use daily. 

Bring to Class:
Required Drug Reference: Each student is required to have a drug reference for the course. Here are some suggestions for drug references from our course subject matter experts: ON-CAMPUS LOCATION: 
Ridgewater College Hutchinson Campus
2 Century Ave SE

Park in the main visitor lot and enter the front main entrance. Proceed through the Commons and Cafeteria, then turn left down the hallway by the Bookstore. Proceed to the Nursing Department. Orientation will be held in room 248.

Monday, March 3; 3:00 - 5:00 pm
Students should bring their laptop/table to ensure the course meets minimum requirements. At this orientation, you will receive course materials and make sure you can log in to the online course.

Students should expect to complete a minimum of 10 hours of online as indicated on the course schedule each week. This includes online self-paced work and a required 2-hour Zoom session per week. Zoom sessions are offered weekly on Sunday mornings and Monday evenings. 

Required Zoom sessions are scheduled for:
Week 1: Sunday, March 9; 10 am - 12 pm       OR     Monday, March 10; 6 - 8 pm
Week 2: Sunday, March 16; 10 am - 12 pm     OR     Monday, March 17; 6 - 8 pm
Week 3: Sunday, March 23; 10 am - 12 pm     OR     Monday, March 24; 6 - 8 pm
Week 4: Sunday, March 30; 10 am - 12 pm     OR     Monday, March 31; 6 - 8 pm

Thursday, March 20; 4 - 8 pm
Wednesday, March 26; 4 - 8 pm

Wednesday, April 2; 4 pm start (until all students are completed)
Includes knowledge testing and individual skills testing


Refund Policy - You must drop your course registration at least seven business days prior to the start date to receive a full refund. You will receive a full refund if Ridgewater College cancels your course. If you fail to appear, you or your company will be responsible for full payment regardless.

Cancellation Policy - While we regret having to do so, it is sometimes necessary to cancel courses with insufficient enrollment. If your course is cancelled, we will notify you and a refund will be processed. Please include your cell phone # as well as a current e-mail address at the time of registration.

Varied Schedule
3:00 PM
Contact Hours:
Registration Cutoff Date:
Dates & Times:
3/3/2025   3:00PM - 5:00PM
Hutchinson - Main Building - Hutchinson - 248 ( See Map )
3/20/2025   4:00PM - 8:00PM
Hutchinson - Main Building - Hutchinson-237
3/26/2025   4:00PM - 8:00PM
Hutchinson - Main Building - Hutchinson-237
4/2/2025   4:00PM - 8:00PM
Hutchinson - Main Building - Hutchinson-237