Minnesota State Medication Aide-Hybrid (Alexandria)
#: NSGA9500    ID: ATCC    Section: AprMay2025
Minnesota State provides the required training to work as a Medication Aide in a skilled nursing facility. Students will develop an understanding of drug administration with this comprehensive training program. Available in two formats, classroom and hybrid, the Minnesota State curriculum offers consistency and customized training options to meet any needs. A wide variety of exercises and activities let students apply their knowledge to healthcare settings. The class includes a new textbook specifically designed for the medication aide. The training and supplemental resources will also prepare participants for written and skills exams by building knowledge and developing skills competency. If necessary, one retest of the written  ($60 retesting fee) and one retest of the skills competency exam ($60 retesting fee) are allowed. This course requires a minimum of forty-eight hours of instruction.

To work as a Medication Aide in a skilled nursing facility, students must have completed a nursing assistant training program approved by the Minnesota Department of Health before enrollment in a trained medication aide program. These employees are not required to take the nursing assistant exam, nor to have ever been on the nursing assistant registry.

A person who challenges the Minnesota nursing assistant exam or transfers in from another state, for example, would not be eligible. It is the responsibility of the facility to document completion of an approved nursing assistant training program. If you have questions regarding eligibility, please visit the Office of Revisor of Statues website at

It is recommended that a person works as a certified nursing assistant for six months before taking this course and be at least 18 years of age. Minnesota law governs the qualifications required to work as a medication aide in a licensed nursing home.

Course Learning Outcomes:
To successfully complete the course, students must:
  • achieve a cumulative score of 75% or higher on chapter and final knowledge exams, after which;
  • demonstrate competency of skills by passing the final skills exam; receiving 80% or higher
  • No retakes on quizzes with one retake on the final exam (written $60; Skills $60);
  • meet the class attendance requirements with a minimum of 48 hours.
Text and References:
  • Hartman’s Complete Guide for the Medication Aide (provided)
  • Drug reference (provided)
  • Handouts (provided)
Contributions by Learner:
  • The student will be expected to:
  • Exhibit understanding of administering medications safely and accurately.
  • Attend 100% of 48 hours
  • Participate in class activities and discussion
  • Access to a desktop computer, laptop, or tablet for online coursework; Chromebooks are not compatible with the online training training platform
Medication Aide Frequently Asked Questions
Bring to Class:
In-Person Location:
Parking: North Parking Lot
Entrance: Door A - Customized Training Center
ATCC Room 210
Parking Permits will be provided
Bring a laptop or tablet to orientation
Laptops available for rent ($25/week) from ATCC's Student Help Desk; contact our office for details

Online Platform: CECT Brightspace D2L
Varied Schedule
5:00 PM
Contact Hours:
Registration Cutoff Date:
Dates & Times:
4/24/2025   5:00PM - 9:00PM
Main Building - 210 - General Lecture ( See Map )
4/25/2025   6:00AM - 8:00AM
4/26/2025   6:00AM - 8:00AM
4/27/2025   6:00AM - 8:00AM
4/28/2025   6:00AM - 8:00AM
4/29/2025   6:00AM - 8:00AM
4/30/2025   6:00AM - 8:00AM
5/1/2025   5:00PM - 9:00PM
Main Building - 210 - General Lecture ( See Map )
5/2/2025   6:00AM - 8:00AM
5/5/2025   6:00AM - 8:00AM