There are two parts to the Minnesota Nurse Aide Competency Exam, the knowledge test (online) and the skills test (in-person). Candidates must pass both tests in order to receive the certificate and to be listed on the Minnesota Nurse Aide Registry. The tests do not have to be taken in a set order, however you must complete both tests within two years of your first test date.
Knowledge Test
The knowledge test is ONLINE, do not come to campus for this test. Candidates have a maximum of two (2) hours to answer seventy (70) multiple-choice questions in English. Two web-enabled devices are required. Candidates will check-in with a smartphone or similar Zoom-enabled device to communicate with the test proctor and monitor the test environment. The candidate will also use a computer, laptop, or tablet to access TMU Minnesota at and complete the test. An oral/audio test option is also available, which candidates must select in their TMU profile prior to testing.
You have four (4) attempts to pass the knowledge test portion of the exam within 24 months from your date of nurse aide training program completion. If you do not complete testing within 24 months from completion of training, you must complete a new Minnesota Department of Health approved training program in order to become eligible to further attempt Minnesota NA examinations.
Refund Policy - If you need to cancel or reschedule your exam, you must email a minimum of 3 business days prior to the exam date. Late requests may not be accepted. “No-shows” will not receive a refund. If you fail to appear or have the correct documents or internet connection and devices, you or your company will be responsible for full payment regardless.
Cancelation Policy - While we regret having to do so, it is sometimes necessary to cancel exams with insufficient enrollment or last-minute emergencies. If your exam is canceled, we will notify you and a refund will be processed. Please include your permanent cell and work numbers as well as an e-mail address at the time of registration.
Bring to Class:
Preparing for the online knowledge test:
If you are a Challenge candidate, you must complete form 1101 and email it to immediately after completing your test registration and payment. Failure to do so will result in your test registration being canceled.
Times scheduled are the actual testing time. Candidates must logon 20-30 minutes prior to the exam time to check-in with the proctor and confirm devices are prepared.
Candidates must have:
- An updated version of Google Chrome as your Internet browser. Internet Explorer is not supported by TMU.
- A reliable Internet (Wi-Fi) connection in a distraction and interruption free area for testing.
- A smartphone/device to access the ‘video conferencing app’ (example; Zoom, etc.) that you will need to have downloaded.
- A personal computer/tablet/laptop to log into TMU to access the knowledge exam.
- To use the Audio feature, this must be enabled in your TMU profile PRIOR to the test event. You must have wired (non-Bluetooth) headphones to use this feature during the test event.
- Your Email or Username and Password to take the virtual TMU Knowledge exam.
- Verify that your TMU profile is complete immediately after registering and at least 48 hours prior to your test. Emails must be correct in TMU to receive proper notification to take this exam. Students with incorrect information that do not show up to the exam will be considered no shows and no refund will be given.
- The knowledge test proctor will provide you information of the ‘video conferencing app’ (example; Zoom, etc.) you will need 24-48 hours before your scheduled virtual knowledge exam. MAKE SURE YOU ARE CHECKING YOUR EMAILS AND TEXT MESSAGES!
- If you have never used Zoom, please email to request a practice session. Blurred or virtual backgrounds are not allowed during testing.
The day of the knowledge test:
- Login with the Zoom link a minimum of 20-30 minutes early to prepare to start your virtual knowledge test.
- Late arrivals will be considered no-shows, will not be allowed to test and will not receive a refund.
- You are not allowed to leave the virtual knowledge test until finished with your test. Please remember to use the restroom before signing into your virtual knowledge test.
- Driver’s License
- State Identification Card
- US Passport
- Work Authorization Card
- Alien Registration Card
- Military or Tribal IDs (that meet all requirements).
- *EXCEPTION: If you do not have a current, official US government issued identification form, then you must bring TWO (2) forms of CURRENT (not expired) Official, Signature Bearing identification with matching names on both IDs. One of the two forms must be PHOTO-BEARING (photo copies will not be accepted). Examples of proper identification, with matching names, include CURRENT ( non-expired):
- School ID card with Photograph
- signed Voter Registration Card
- signed Credit/Debit (Bank) Card
- signed Social Security Card
- First and Last Name on ID MUST MATCH TMU EXACTLY.
- With the exception of the smartphone/device and tablet/laptop/desktop you are using for your online knowledge test, all other electronic and Blue-tooth connected devices (cell phones, smart watches, fitness monitors, tablets/laptops/desktops, etc.) usage is not allowed and these items are not allowed in the testing area or allowed to be near or on your person (in pocket, on wrist, etc.) during testing.
- Anyone using any other electronic or Blue-tooth connected device of any kind during testing (texting, Google searching, email, etc.) or navigating away from the virtual knowledge test during testing, will have their test stopped, will have their test scored as a failed test, will forfeit all testing fees and will be reported to their training program, D&SDT-HEADMASTER and Minnesota Department of Health.
- Your video must remain on for the duration of testing. If, at any time, the video disconnects and you do not rejoin right away, your test will be stopped, you will forfeit all testing fees, and will have your test scored as a failed test. This is a secure virtual testing environment and all testing and security policies stated in the Minnesota Candidate Handbook will be followed.
A full list of the virtual knowledge test Instructions can be found here: Virtual Knowledge Test Instructions
Registration Cutoff Date:
Dates & Times:
4/4/2025 9:00AM - 11:00AM