Intersection Series
• Turning Maneuvers
• Speed-Change Lanes
• At-Grade Intersections
• Grade-Separated Interchanges
Intersection Series Course Descriptions

Turning Movements
The purpose of this lesson is to provide an overview of turn lane design. Prerequisite: Computing Tapers

Speed-Change Lanes
The purpose of this lesson is to provide an overview of speed-change lane design. PrerequisiteTurning Movements

At-Grade Intersections
The purpose of this lesson is to provide an overview of the at-grade intersection design process. PrerequisiteSpeed-Change Lanes

Grade-Separated Interchanges
The purpose of this lesson is to provide an overview of interchange types and design considerations. PrerequisiteAt-Grade Intersections

Geometric Design courses are 100% online and will be available from July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023. 
Courses can be completed at your own pace until June 30, 2022.