MnDOT Signal and Lighting Recertification
MnDOT Signal and Lighting Recertification
This course is to review and stay up to date on the latest changes in technology, components, contract documents, and construction procedures for MnDOT traffic control signals and lighting systems. The course is designed for those whose MnDOT Signal and Lighting certification is still valid but near expiration and allows them to maintain their certification for an additional 5 years. This is a web-based eLearning course with self-paced modules that will be open from February 1 - May 31, 2024. 
Course Information: 

Audience: Construction inspectors, contractors, consultants, state, county, and city personnel who have taken the complete 2-day Signal and Lighting Certification Course previously and have a valid but near expired MnDOT Signal and Lighting Certification Card.

Learning Objectives: Students will gain knowledge of changes that have taken place in the last 5 years from their last certification date. Students will receive information to aid in their delivery of quality signal and lighting systems minimizing problems during and after construction and obtain recertification to work on MnDOT traffic control signal and lighting projects.

Successful Completion: Each student should anticipate this class requiring 8 hours to complete and should also allow an additional 90 minutes to complete the required exam. Each student will need to complete a 60 question exam that requires a 70 percent score to be recertified. This is an open book examination.

Education Credits: Continuing education hours to be determined by the individual.
No DOLI continuing education credits are available.

Prerequisites: You must have successfully completed the two-day Signal and Lighting Certification Course previously and have a valid but near expired MnDOT Signal and Lighting Certification Card.

Cost: $250 which includes a field guide and other class materials that will be mailed out to participants.

Need Registration Help? Click here for General Registration Instructions 
Phone:  218-733-7680