ATTENTION Basic Rider Course Registrants:
- Completion of the 5 hour e-Course/online course is REQUIRED prior to attending class. (Refer to Course Description for information or Confirmation email for instructions to complete the e-Course). If you don't receive the confirmation email after registering, please call our office at 320-222-6067.
- For the Basic Rider Course, students ages 18 and over MUST have a Motorcycle Permit prior to class to earn your motorcycle endorsement.
PLEASE NOTE - The new law regarding lane filtering and splitting for motorcyclists does not take effect until July 1, 2025.
A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota Young Riders Scholarship Program
A.B.A.T.E. of MN is a non-profit motorcycle rights organization that stands for American Bikers
for Awareness, Training, and Education. Our organization promotes motorcycle crash
prevention through motorcyclist safety awareness, training, and education.
A.B.A.T.E. is currently funding a scholarship program to pay for the cost of attending rider
training courses. These funds are limited and will be approved based on application date and
required criteria until all available scholarships have been awarded.
The application requirements of the A.B.A.T.E. scholarship training program include:
• Be at least 15 years of age (and under 21 years of age) with at least a valid Driver’s
License permit at the time you apply.
• Have a valid Minnesota Driver's License prior to attending a course.
• Meet the Minnesota Motorcycle Safety Center requirements for attending a course.
Scan and email applications to
Click below for more information on how to apply for the scholarship.
ABATE Scholarship Information and Application