POET (Program for Online Excellence in Teaching)
Online Teaching Fundamentals
Online learning, like classroom learning, is complicated. This course will introduce participants to the instructional management system
D2L Brightspace (D2L), best practices in course design and the intricacies of online teaching and learning.
Class Cost: $500 per participant or $450 if more than one from the same organization enrolls.
Content Overview
In this 12-week online class, we will introduce new or relatively new online faculty to all
D2L Brightspace, best practices in online course design and pedagogy. We’ll look at how to create a logical, welcoming course design and tone that lets the instructor’s personality come through and meets best practices in accessibility and engagement. We’ll look at communication, which is the most important component of online learning and finally we’ll look at ways to deliver, assess, and collect, and communicate information and create meaningful learning experiences.
Course Outcomes
Participants will be able to:
- Review the basics of D2L features such as the quiz tool, news features, discussion creation, grade book, and drop box.
- Create assignments that incorporate best practices for online learning and course design
- Recognize and implement ADA best practices into online course design, assignments, and communication
- Distinguish the similarities and differences between online teaching and course design
- Debate issues regarding online learning interaction, communication, and demeanor
- Successfully create discussion questions, quiz questions, and other assignments that align to the outcomes in their courses
- Demonstrate how to access D2L and online education resources for further instruction and assistance
- Construct meaningful assessments techniques in their online courses and learn how to use D2L tracking to gauge effectiveness of assignments and other course elements
The class is the equivalent of a one credit class spread over 12 weeks. Participants should log into the class at least twice a week to read materials and complete assignments. There will be specific deadlines two times a week which include discussions, quizzes, and assignments to practice skills in technology and pedagogy.
Participants are also expected to use professional language and communication in all course work.
Basic Schedule:
Weeks 1-3: Module One: Getting Started
Topics: Introductory materials and assignments, setting the tone in your course, first steps to Universal Design (accessibility)
Weeks 4-6: Module Two: Controlling the Content
Topics: Content organization models, options for delivering varied and engaging content, making content assessable, writing and aligning learning objectives
Weeks 7-9: Module Three: Engaging Students Online
Topics: Communication technologies, professional communication and demeanor, communication best practices for retention, Intelligent Agents and other technologies to monitor and contact students
Weeks 10-12: Module Four: Working Together
Topics: Discussions and group work: tools and best practices, Creating and Managing online discussions, and other tools for group/peer-to-peer work.