The Knowledge test consists of 70 multiple-choice questions. Questions are selected from subject areas based on the MDH approved Minnesota test plan and include questions from all the required categories as defined in the federal regulations. The Knowledge exam for the Nursing Assistant Test will be done virtually. You will need a smartphone with Zoom downloaded and a tablet/laptop/desktop for the virtual knowledge exam. The Knowledge test portion of your exam will be displayed on a computer screen for participants to read and key in their answers, the smartphone will be used to monitor your computer screen while testing.
Get a free knowledge test question of the day and a 10-question online practice test at
You may also purchase complete practice tests that are randomly generated, based on the state test plan from
Review the vocabulary words in the
Minnesota candidate handbook.
Quizlet Game to learn vocabulary words
You have
four (4) attempts to pass the knowledge and skill test portions of the exam within 24 months from your date of nurse aide training program completion. If you do not complete testing within 24 months from completion of training, you must complete a new Minnesota Department of Health approved training program in order to become eligible to further attempt Minnesota NA examinations.
Refund Policy - If you need to cancel or reschedule your exam, you must email Workforce Development Solutions 3 business days prior to the exam date. Late requests may not be accepted. “No-shows” will not receive a refund. If you fail to appear or have the correct documents, you or your company will be responsible for full payment regardless.
Cancellation Policy - While we regret having to do so, it is sometimes necessary to cancel exams with insufficient enrollment or last minute emergencies. If your exam is canceled, we will notify you and a refund will be processed. Please include your permanent cell and work numbers as well as an e-mail address at the time of registration.
Registrants for the NA competency evaluation that are either employed by a nursing home or boarding care home as a nursing assistant or have been promised employment as a nursing assistant by one of these facilities prior to the date the evaluation fee is due, are
NOT to pay for the competency evaluation. The facility is federally mandated to pay for the competency evaluation fee.
Nursing Assistants who receive an offer of employment as a nursing assistant from either of these facilities, not later than 12 months after successfully completing the nursing assistant course and competency evaluation, are entitled to a one-time reimbursement from the facility for the nurse assistant course, competency exam and related fees
90 days after the date of employment. For additional information on facility reimbursement policies, please
click here.
Questions or concerns can be directed to:
BreAnna Tracy, Administrative Assistant