Mine Safety
Mine Safety
MSHA Training offered virtually and in-person
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Part 46 covers surface mines that are active in the mining of sand, clay, gravel, limestone, cement, marble, and granite and those companies that service mining operations that mine those minerals

Part 48 means all mine types that don't fall into the above list, including all metal and coal mining operations as well as any mining operations that are underground

Operations that require a mine tour to complete new miner training - all part 48 operations and all part 46 mining operators – (part 46 independent contractors do not require a mine tour to “complete” their 24hr new miner) are informed on the first day of the public class (virtual or face to face) that the completion of the 24hrs will NOT complete the new miner requirement. Arrangements must be made after the fact to complete the training with the addition of a mine tour. Those companies that are under jurisdiction of the Part 48 rules will have to have that tour facilitated under the supervision of a MSHA certified trainer, part 46 operators only need the tour performed by a “competent” person.

New Miner (24hr) class is typically designed to cover Part 46 and part 48b (surface) operations unless contracted specifically to be a Part 48a (underground) training. If contracted as a company specific UNDERGROUND New Miner Training, provisions will need to be made to include an additional 8hrs of instruction in an  underground mine on top of 32 hours of classroom instruction (for a total of 40 hrs).

Each training plan must list the competent person/persons utilized to complete the 5 types of training MSHA regulates: new miner; experienced miner; task training; annual refresher training and site specific or “hazard” training. When utilizing CWE as a training provider or competent person, you can list “Minnesota State Grants” on your training plan.

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