
Customized Training and Law Enforcement
Customized Training and Law Enforcement
Century College offers a wide variety of courses which can be customized to focus on your priorities and employee training needs. We will work with you to understand your specific challenges and needs then build a training solution that exceeds your expectations.

Healthcare/Nursing Continuing Education     
   Contact: Heather Schroeder 651.444.2148

Public Safety - CPR/Fire/Emergency Medical Services and OSHA/Industrial Safety and Compliance, and Policing  
   Contact: Tom Popsun  651.444.2147

Manufacturing & Skilled Trades, Motorcycle Training, Supervisory Management, Computers, Information Technology, Professional Development 
   Contact: Katie Swenson  651.444.2151


Law Enforcement
We offer innovative and up-to-date training programs to address the current and future needs of those in law...