Welcome to 
Professional & Workforce Training at 
Anoka-Ramsey Community College Anoka Technical College 
Stenographic CART & Captioning
This new realtime course series will teach the skills necessary to offer Realtime, CART Captioning, and/or Broadcast Captioning as a professional service.  Each class will focus on specific realtime principles AND each week new realtime evals will be provided.  There is always something new to learn while working on your realtime!  Curriculum was carefully designed by experts in the captioning field.  Earn up to 1.6 Continuing Education Units each course. 

Reporters will earn a Certificate of Completion after each course completed and a Certificate of Proficiency-Literary upon passing three 5-minute literary realtime evaluations at 180 wpm with 97% realtime accuracy and a Certificate of Proficiency-Testimony upon passing three 5-minute testimony realtime evaluations at 200 wpm with 97% realtime accuracy. 

Scholarships Available